VM600 CPUM 和 IOCN 模块化 CPU 卡和输入/输出卡是一对机架控制器和通信接口卡,可用作美捷特振动计®产品线的 VM600 机架式机械保护系统 (MPS) 和/或状态监测系统 (CMS) 的系统控制器和数据通信网关。
注意:提供不同版本的 CPUx/IOCx 机架控制器和通信接口卡对,如下所示:
200-570-101-013 VM600 处理器CPU卡 两对串行连接器备受瞩目的第七届中国工业大奖获奖企业和项目正式揭晓。3月19日,第七届中国工业大奖发布会在京隆重举行,授予19家企业、19个项目中国工业大奖。这个被誉为中国工业领域高奖项的获奖名单里,有化工新材料、橡胶轮胎关键技术,也有精密铜管智能制造体系、产业节能及自动化方案,从产业基础到前沿技术,涵盖钢铁石化、汽车制造、纺织服装、生物医药等诸多领域。
“中国工业大奖”是2004年经国务院批准设立的我国工业领域的高奖项,每两年评选一次。申报中国工业大奖的企业,要经过级行业协会及省级工经联受理、行业专家评审、综合部门评审、审定委员会审定200-570-101-013 VM600 处理器CPU卡两对串行连接器求相关部门意见、社会公示、报国务院审核等10个环节的递阶遴选,至今共表彰“大奖”企业和项目136个。
手机/微信同号: +86-18059884797
200-570-101-013 VM600 处理器CPU卡
VM600 rack controller and communication interface card.
The VM600 CPUM and IOCN modular CPU cards and input/output cards are a pair of rack controllers and communication interface cards that can be used as Meggitt vibration meters ® The system controller and data communication gateway for the VM600 rack mounted mechanical protection system (MPS) and/or condition monitoring system (CMS) of the product line.
Note: Different versions of CPUx/IOCx rack controllers and communication interface card pairs are provided as follows:
CPUM/IOCN is the original version with front panel display, supporting Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET (PNR 200-595-VVVV-VVV).
CPUR/IOCR is a version with rack controller redundancy and supports Modbus RTU/TCP (PNR 600-007-VVV-VVV).
CPUR2/IOCR2 is a version that mathematically processes fieldbus data and supports Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP (PNR 600-026-000-VVV).
VM600 CPUM/IOCN rack controller and communication interface card pair, supporting Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET, as well as front panel display
Use Ethernet or RS-4 serial connection to a computer running VM8 MPSx software to perform "one-time" configuration management of the protection cards (MPC232 and AMC600) in the VM600 rack
Front panel display screen, used to visualize the monitoring output and alarm limits of the protection card
Universal alarm reset (AR) for card and VM600 MPS rack (CPUM) security protection
The VM600 system event and measurement event logs can be obtained through the VM600 MPSx software
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