ABB IMSED01 16ch数字输入模块●制造商:ABB
●通信端口:两个RS-232-C和一 个SCSI
●电源要求:41 5毫安时+ 5伏直流电;典型值2.08瓦
●IMMPI01模块支持SCSI或RS-232-C计算机接口。 当通过RS-232-C端口通信时,该模块可以作为数据通信设备(DCE)或数据终端设备(DTE)。
●IMMPI01模块是一 个单独的印刷电路板,在模块安装单元中占据一 个插槽。电路板包含基于微处理器的通信电路,使其能够通过带状电缆连接与其INICT03模块通信。
●IMMPI01模块有三个用于外部信号和电源的卡边缘连接器(P1、P2和P3)。 连接器P1连接到公共电源和+5 VDC电源。不使用P2连接器。连接器P3用于将模块连接到NTMP01终端装置。P6连接器用于将IMMPI01 模块连接到INICTO3模块

● Manufacturer :ABB
● Product Number :IMSED01
● Product type: Event sequence digital input module
● Communication ports: two RS-232-C and one SCSI
● Power requirements: 455 mah + 5 volts DC; Typical value 2.08 watts
● Product type: Event sequence digital input module
●IMMPI01 multifunctional processor interface module processes the I/O interface between the host and the INICT03 module
●IMMPI01 module supports SCSI or RS-232-C computer interface. When communicating through the RS-232-C port, the module can be used as a data communication device (DCE) or a Data terminal device (DTE).
● The IMMPI01 module is a separate printed circuit board that occupies a slot in the module mounting unit. The board contains a microprocessor-based communication circuit that enables it to communicate with its INICT03 module via a ribbon cable connection.
The IMMPI01 module has three card edge connectors (P1, P2 and P3) for external signals and power supplies. Connector P1 connects to a public power supply and a +5 VDC power supply. P2 connectors are not used. Connector P3 is used to connect the module to the NTMP01 terminal device. The P6 connector is used to connect the IMMPI01 module to the INICTO3 module
● Shipping weight: 1.5kg
