三个三重总线系统蚀刻在机箱背板上:TriBus、1/O总线和通信总线。TriBus由 三个独立的串行链路组成,以每秒25兆比特的速度运行。TriBus在扫描开始时同步主处理器。然后每个主处理器把它的数据发送给它的上游和下游邻居。Triconex超越了一般意义 上的功能安全系统,为工厂提供全套安全关键解决方案和生命周期安全管理理念和服务。在整个安装和企业中,Triconex使公司的安全性、可靠性、稳定性和盈利性保持同步。 Three triple bus systems are etched on the chassis backplane: TriBus, 1/O bus, and communication bus. TriBus consists of three independent serial links, running at a speed of 25 megabits per second. TriBus synchronizes the main processor at the beginning of the scan. Then each main processor sends its data to its upstream and downstream neighbors. Triconex goes beyond the general concept of functional safety systems, providing factories with a complete set of safety critical solutions and lifecycle safety management concepts and services. Throughout the installation and enterprise, Triconex keeps the company's security, reliability, stability, and profitability synchronized.