The Field Device System Integrator (FDSI) Modbus Master Driver can integrate single port or dual port Modbus devices that are independent of the supplier. The I/A series Modbus Master Driver allows the I/A series system to obtain real-time data from attachments, operate data using state-of-the-art control algorithms, and write output data to the device. Modbus Master driver downloads to appropriate single or redundant FBM and allows FBM conversion to be sent to/A series data systems from field devices, and vice versa. Figure 1 shows a typical configuration of a single channel FBM230 and serial communication Modbus device. Figure 2 shows a typical example of configuring an Ethernet Modbus device for communication with FBM. The FBM230 is equipped with four ports, each of which can be configured to use RS-232, RS-422, or RS 485 physical interface standards. The FBM230 supports single port device Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII communication protocols and provides serial/A series systems and devices. Refer to PSS 21H-2Z30 B4.