CC-IP0101 网关模块8系列Profibus网关模块概述本文件提供了与Experion LX-同发布的8系列Profibus网关模块的技术信息。PROFIBUS网关模块提供了-个通用模块平台,以支持PROFIBUS DP和C300控制器的接口。PGM以8系列外形规格开发,用于C300控制器。系列8外形采用输入输出终端组件(IOTA)和安装并连接到IOTA的电子模块。作为PROFIBUS网关, PGM始终作为主机,与PROFIBUS兼容的从设备进行通信。PGM以相同的方式安装,共享所有特性、电源和接地、认证,并符合所有其他8系列组件的所有环境等级。PGM是可选冗余的,每个模块支持两个DP网络。

Overview of the 8-Series Profibus Gateway Module This document provides technical information on the 8-Series Profibus Gateway Module released in conjunction with Experion LX -. The PROFIBUS gateway module provides a universal module platform to support interfaces between PROFIBUS DP and C300 controllers. PGM is developed with an 8-series exterior specification for use in C300 controllers. The Series 8 features an Input Output Terminal Assembly (IOTA) and an electronic module installed and connected to the IOTA. As a PROFIBUS gateway, PGM always acts as the host and communicates with PROFIBUS compatible slave devices. PGM is installed in the same way, sharing all features, power and grounding, certification, and meeting all environmental levels of all other 8 series components. PGM is optional redundancy, and each module supports two DP networks.