The 5466-258 module is a simplex discrete input/output unit. This device is produced by Woodward and is part of the MicroNet digital control series, which can also be used in Vertex Pro chassis. The typical hardware used in this unit is MicroNet Plus hardware. This module can be used for both simplex and redundant systems. This module can be used for any chassis module, whether it is eight slots or fourteen slots. Please note that the location of the device must be non hazardous or in Class I, Zone 2, A B. Within groups C and d. The 5466-258 module is a 48/24 discrete combination module, which represents 48 inputs and 24 outputs. There are two configurations available to use this module. One of them will consist of two 24/12 discrete FTMs, which will be connected to the module through two high-density discrete/analog cables. In the second configuration, the discrete inputs on this module will be optically isolated and accessed through 24/12 ftm. On the front panel, there is an LED indicating a potential fault. There are also two connectors on the module.