PXIe-2524 高密度多路复用开关模块
NI PXIe-2524是一款高性能的PXIe模块,具备强大的多路复用开关功能。以下是其主要特点:
- 高密度多路复用开关:该模块提供2安培的输入开关电流,具有60 W或62.5 VA的大开关功率。它采用机电继电器进行操作,具有高可靠性。
- 多种配置方案:NI PXIe-2524提供多种单线多路复用器配置,如16排8x1、八通道16x1、四通道32x1、双通道64x1和128x1。这些配置方案在设备的切换操作中起着举足轻重的作用。
- 卓越的RF性能:该模块具有难以置信的RF性能特征,其带宽小于10 MHz。此外,设备的DC路径电阻小于0.8欧姆,热电动势值小于10微伏。
- 快速测量:由于其高效的开关性能,NI PXIe-2524使测量更为快速。
- 小巧的尺寸:该模块的尺寸为21.6×2×13厘米,非常适合在空间受限的环境中使用。
- 易于监控:该模块还具有板载继电器计数器功能,可以轻松监控继电器状态。
总之,NI PXIe-2524是一款功能强大、性能卓越的多路复用器模块,适用于各种需要高密度多路复用开关的应用场景。
NI PXIe-2524 是美国国家仪器(NI)公司推出的一款高性能 PXIe 模块,主要特点包括: - 高密度多路复用开关:提供 2 安培的输入开关电流,大开关功率为 60 瓦或 62.5 伏安。
- 多种配置方案:支持多种单线多路复用器配置,如 16 排 8x1、八通道 16x1、四通道 32x1、双通道 64x1 和 128x1 等。
- 的 RF 性能:具有小于 10 兆赫兹的带宽,DC 路径电阻小于 0.8 欧姆,热电动势值小于 10 微伏。
- 快速测量:由于其高效的开关性能,能够实现快速测量。
- 小巧尺寸:尺寸为 21.6×2×13 厘米,适用于空间受限的环境。
- 易于监控:具备板载继电器计数器功能,方便监控继电器状态。
总之,NI PXIe-2524 是一款功能强大、性能卓越的多路复用器模块,适用于需要高密度多路复用开关的各种应用场景。
The NI PXIe-2524 is a high-performance PXIE module with powerful multiplexing switch functionality. The following are its main characteristics:
High density multiplexing switch: This module provides an input switching current of 2 amperes and has a high switching power of 60 W or 62.5 VA. It uses electromechanical relays for operation and has high reliability.
Multiple configuration options: NI PXIE-2524 offers multiple single line multiplexer configurations, such as 16 row 8x1, eight channel 16x1, four channel 32x1, dual channel 64x1, and 128x1. These configuration schemes play a crucial role in device switching operations.
Excellent RF performance: This module has incredible RF performance characteristics, with a bandwidth of less than 10 MHz. In addition, the DC path resistance of the device is less than 0.8 ohms, and the thermoelectric electromotive force value is less than 10 microvolts.
Fast measurement: Due to its efficient switching performance, NI PXIE-2524 makes measurements faster.
Compact size: The size of this module is 21.6 × two × 13 centimeters, very suitable for use in space limited environments.
Easy to monitor: This module also has onboard relay counter function, which can easily monitor relay status.
In summary, NI PXIE-2524 is a powerful and high-performance multiplexer module suitable for various application scenarios that require high-density multiplexer switches.
The NI PXIe-2524 is a high-performance PXIE module launched by National Instruments (NI) in the United States, with main features including:
High density multiplexing switch: Provides an input switching current of 2 amperes, with a high switching power of 60 watts or 62.5 volt amperes.
Multiple configuration options: Supports multiple single line multiplexer configurations, such as 16 row 8x1, eight channel 16x1, four channel 32x1, dual channel 64x1, and 128x1.
Excellent RF performance: With a bandwidth of less than 10 megahertz, a DC path resistance of less than 0.8 ohms, and a thermoelectric electromotive force value of less than 10 microvolts.
Fast measurement: Due to its efficient switching performance, it can achieve fast measurement.
Compact size: 21.6 in size × two × 13 centimeters, suitable for environments with limited space.
Easy to monitor: Equipped with onboard relay counter function, convenient for monitoring relay status.
In summary, NI PXIE-2524 is a powerful and high-performance multiplexer module suitable for various application scenarios that require high-density multiplexer switches.
AI模块-SE4003S2B4 16通道HART
AI模块-SE4003S2B1 8通道HART
LS AI模块-4-20mA RTD-SS4303T03
DI模块-SE4001S2T2B4 32通道
DO模块-SE4002S1T2B5 32通道
AI模块-SE4003S6B1 8通道RTD
LS AI模块-4-20mA 2W/4W-SS4303T01
LS AI模块-电偶 mV 带端子座-SS4303T52
AI模块-4-20mA 2W/4W-SE4303T01
模块-LS DI 24-SS4301T02
模块-LS DO 24 DTA-SS4302T01
AI模块-4-20mA RTD-SE4303T03
模块-LS DO 24 ETA-SS4302T02
DI模块-SE4301T07 ISOL
DO模块-SE4302T51 继电器
DI模块-SE4301T02 干点
DO模块-SE4302T02 ISOL