AO2020是一款气体分析仪,主要用于环境监测、工业过程控制、能源管理等领域。它具备多种优 秀的技术特性,能够满足复杂和严苛的工业应用需求。
在测量性能上,AO2020分析仪的线性误差为±0.5% FS(满量程),响应时间小于3秒,测量漂移为±1% FS/周。这些性能指标均表明该分析仪具有出色的测量精度和稳定性。
综上所述,AO2020气体分析仪是一款功能强大、性能稳定的气体分析设备,适用于各种需要精 确测量气体成分的应用场景。无论是在环境监测还是在工业过程控制中,它都能发挥出色的作用,为用户提供准确、可靠的数据支持。
AO2020 is a gas analyzer, mainly used in environmental monitoring, industrial process control, energy management and other fields. It has a variety of excellent technical features to meet the needs of complex and demanding industrial applications.
First, the AO2020 analyzer is capable of measuring multiple gas components simultaneously, with high accuracy, fast response and stability. This allows it to understand the gas composition in the environment in real time, helping users to take appropriate measures to ensure safety and environmental protection.
Second, the weight of the AO2020 analyzer varies depending on the configuration, ranging from approximately 15kg (single channel) to 21kg (dual channel). Its power supply is also low, with a single-channel power consumption of about 40VA and a dual-channel power consumption of about 70VA. In addition, the analyzer can operate in the voltage range of 100~240VAC±10% and the frequency of 48~63HZ, showing its good adaptability and stability.
In terms of measurement performance, the AO2020 analyzer has a linear error of ±0.5% FS (full scale), a response time of less than 3 seconds, and a measurement drift of ±1% FS/ week. These performance indicators show that the analyzer has excellent measurement accuracy and stability.
In addition, the AO2020 analyzer also has an analog output function with an output range of 0/2/4 to 20mA and a maximum load of 750Ω. The instrument has 4 ranges, and has automatic range switching function, which can be set according to application requirements.
In summary, the AO2020 gas analyzer is a powerful and stable gas analysis device for a variety of applications requiring accurate measurement of gas composition. Whether in environmental monitoring or industrial process control, it can play an excellent role in providing users with accurate and reliable data support.
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